Story The Mercury and the Woodcutter
Many, many years ago a wood-cutter was cutting down a tree on the bank of a river. His axe fell into the water and he was very sad. While he was sitting sadly, Mercury came there and asked, “Why are you sad ?
I have let my axe fall into the river, “said the woodcutter.
The god leaped into the water and brought out a golden axe. But the woodcutter said, “It is not mine.
The second time the god brought out a silver axe. This too he refuses to take.
For the third time the god dived, and brought back the iron axe. When the woodcutter saw this, he shouted, “There, that’s my axe!
But the god said, “You have not tried to deceive me. Take your own axe and also the other two. They are your reward for honesty.
Moral : Honesty is the best policy.
16 September 2017 at 23:07
who is the author of this story